Friday, May 11, 2012

The Burning Candle: Final Cover Art

Here's the finalized version in the full cover spread. Just gave the final nod, otherwise known as eternal gratitude, to the wonderful Lance Ganey. I've loved all of his work, but Lance really made this one so striking. Just wait, I'll probably say that about the other covers to follow. Yeah, I'm fickle.

You may notice one change from previous books in that this one bears a logo for "Alhambra Press" on the spine. The Burning Candle will be distributed through Lightning Source (LS) AND CreateSpace (CS). LS requires a publisher imprint, hence the slightly pretentious name, but absolutely gorgeous logo. LS setup is a bitch different from CreateSpace and the fees are slightly higher, but not enough to dissuade. Still, pray for me. Seriously. Lest you think I'm some glutton for punishment who thrives on near-insurmountable tasks (the whole self-publishing process gave it away), there is method to my madness. LS offers great print distribution channels and better revenue on paperbacks, which account for eight percent of total sales. Having bought ISBNs, I can stay with CS and never enroll in its Expanded Distribution again. The revenue through Expanded Distribution is ABYSMAL. Like 18 cents on one book or 33 cents on another kind of  ABYSMAL. Hoping for better through LS.

Edits continue on the book and then it's off to the patient beta readers. Still looking at a summer release of this title.


Julie K. Rose said...

Absolutely stunning cover!

Anita Davison said...

Exquisite, Lisa and your slideshow is looking very impressive these days. I wish you every success with the news book - Hey, that title is familiar.....

Lisa J Yarde said...

Thank you, Julie and Anita. On that title, yeah, some really nice friend of mine suggested it AND she helped salvage the manuscript when I had lost it.

Michelle Gregory said...

very nice.

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Lisa, I am very excited to read this one. :) I adore that cover too!

Lisa J Yarde said...

Thanks Michelle, I hope readers will enjoy the story too.

Time flies when you're having fun, or writing novels.

It's been a tremendous twelve months. A new job and health issues have impacted my writing time, but I'm still at it, trying to wrap...