Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tis The Season...

...To be writing and editing!

At the end of another writing year, it seems worthwhile to take stock of how the past twelve months have gone. This has not been a prolific year for me, at least not in the first half, but I feel like I've hit my stride and can count the highlights of the year.

Number of agents lost: 1
Number of agents solicited: 20
Number of agents gained: 1

Number of story ideas flitting around in my head: at least 10
Number of story ideas committed to paper in draft or outline form: 4
Number of stories that I'm realistically able to focus on given timing, prior knowledge and research: 3

Number of manuscripts started: 3
Number of manuscripts languishing unfinished (but will be finished in 2009 so help me God I swear): 1
Number of manuscripts still actively working on: 2

Number of publishing contracts signed: 1
Number of manuscripts edited for publication: 1
Number of publishing contracts rescinded: 1
OK, so this was not really a highlight in my year, but it was a learning experience and anything that you can learn from is good for the writing soul, so, Yeah!

All in all, I'm happy with the direction I'm headed in at the end of the year and grateful to have the creative energy flowing once more. 2009 can only be better.

So, to all my writing friends and for anyone who loves the written word, Happy Holidays and a prosperous, creative and productive New Year!


Anita Davison said...

Laid out like that Lisa, your year looks pretty good to me. Especially gaining an agent after querying twenty - I think the odds of that are pretty good!

Good writing for 2009 and may all your dreams for Fatima,Avicia and Isabelle

Catherine Delors said...

Happy holidays to you too, Lisa! Sounds like 2008 was an eventful year for you...

Lori said...

Can't wait to read one of your novels!

Happy Holidays

Time flies when you're having fun, or writing novels.

It's been a tremendous twelve months. A new job and health issues have impacted my writing time, but I'm still at it, trying to wrap...